

发布时间:2022-09-16    点击:
























1.    横断山区高山冰缘带植物种子越冬后的萌发行为研究,国家自然科学基金地区项目,主持;

2.    横断山区高山冰缘带植物种子的延迟萌发机制研究,国家自然科学基金青年项目,主持;

3.    横断山区高山冰缘带植物的种子生物学研究,云南省博士后项目,主持;

4.    横断山高山冰缘带染色体谱及细胞地理特征的研究,国家自然科学基金,参加;

5.    横断山高山冰缘生态系统植物繁殖特征的研究,国家自然科学基金,参加;

6.    两种高山“温室植物”与传粉蕈蚊间专性互利共生关系的进化稳定机制研究,国家自然科学基金,参加;

7.    大黄属(蓼科)两种“温室植物”与传粉蕈蚊专性互利共生关系的进化稳定机制研究,中科院西部之光,参加;

8.    植物隐蔽色的适应意义——以流石滩植物为例,中科院西部之光,参加;

9.    雄花在变性植物豹子花中的适应意义,国家自然科学基金,参加;

10.  百合属的花进化和传粉生态学,国家自然科学基金,参加;

11.  横断山区高山流石滩植物簇生结构协作共存机制的研究,国家自然科学基金,参加;






















1.      Yang, Li-E, Li, Xiao-Juan, Peng De-Li* (2022) The complete plastid genome of Kelloggiachinensis Franch. (Rubiaceae), an endemic species from East Asia. Mitochondrial DNA Part B, 7:1, 91-92

2.      Peng, De-Li*#, Yang, Li-E#., Yang, Juan, Li, Zhi-Min*. Seed dormancy and soil seed bank of the two alpine Primula species in the Hengduan Mountains of Southwest China. Frontiers in Plant Science, 2021, 12:582536.


3.      Yang Li-E., Peng De-Li*, Li Zhi-Min, Huang Li, Yang Juan, Sun Hang. Cold stratification, temperature, light, GA3, and KNO3 effects on seed germination of Primula beesiana from Yunnan, China. Plant Diversity, 2020, 42, 3, 168-173.


4.      Peng, De-Li, Hu, Xiao-Jian, Sun, Hang, Li, Zhi-Min*. Dry after-ripening, light, cold stratification, and temperature effects on seed germination of Primula poissonii from Yunnan, China. Seed Science and Technology, 2019, 47, 3, 301-306.


5.      Peng De-Li, Sun Lu, Pritchard Hugh W., Yang Juan, Sun Hang, Zhimin Li*. Species distribution modelling and seed germination of four threatened snow lotus (Saussurea), and their implication for conservation. Global Ecology and Conservation, 2019, 17: e00565.


6.      Peng De-Li#, Hu Xiao-Jian#, Yang Juan, Sun Hang*. Seed dormancy, germination and soil seed bank of Lamiophlomis rotata and Marmoritis complanatum (Labiatae), two endemic species from Himalaya-Hengduan Mountains. Plant Biosystems, 2018, 152(4): 642-648.


7.      Peng De-Li, Chen Zhe, Hu Xiaojian, Li Zhimin, Song Bo*, Sun Hang*. Seed dormancy and germination characteristics of two Rheum species in the Himalaya-Hengduan Mountains. Plant Diversity, 2017, 39, 180-186.


8.      Peng De-Li, Song Bo, Yang Yang, Niu Yang*, Sun Hang*. Overlapping leaves covering flowers in the alpine species Eriophyton wallichii (Lamiaceae): key driving factors and their potential impact on pollination. PLoS One, 2016, 11: e0164177.


9.      Peng De-Li, Yang Yang, and Sun Hang*. Overlapping leaves prevent reproductive organ from overheating in an alpine plant. Research & Reviews: Journal of Botanical Sciences, 2016, S3, 51-52.


10.   Peng De-Li, Niu Yang, Song Bo, Chen Jian-Guo, Li Zhi-Min, Yang Yang*, Sun Hang*. Woolly and overlapping leaves dampen temperature fluctuations in reproductive organ of an alpine Himalayan forb. Journal of Plant Ecology, 2015, 8(2):159-165.


11.   Peng De-Li, Ou Xiao-Kun, Xu Bo, Zhang Zhi-Qiang, Niu Yang, Li Zhi-Min*, Sun Hang*. Plant sexual systems correlated with morphological traits: Reecting reproductive strategies of alpine plants. Journal of Systematics and Evolution, 2014, 52(3):368-377.


12.   Peng De-Li#, Zhang Zhi-Qiang#, Xu Bo, Li Zhi-Min*, Sun Hang*. Patterns of flower morphology and sexual systems in the subnival belt of the Hengduan Mountains, SW China. Alpine Botany, 2012, 122, 65-73.


13.   彭德力, 张志强, 牛洋, 杨扬, 宋波, 孙航, 李志敏*. 高山植物繁殖策略的研究进展. 生物多样性, 2012, 20, 286-299.


14.   杨扬, 陈建国, 宋波, 牛洋, 彭德力, 张建文, 邓涛, 罗冬, 马祥光, 周卓, 孙航*.青藏高原冰缘植物多样性与适应机制研究进展. 科学通报, 2019, 64(27), 2856-2864.

15.   Song Bo, Stoll Peter, Peng De-Li, Sun Hang*, Stöcklin Jürg*. Demography of the giant monocarpic herb Rheum nobile in the Himalayas and the effect of disturbances by grazing. Annals of Botany, 2020, 125, 447–458.

16.   Chen Jian-Guo, Yang Yang, Wang Song-Wei, Stöcklin JürgPeng De-Li, Sun Hang*. Recruitment of the high elevation cushion plant Arenaria polytrichoides is limited by competition, thus threatened by currently established vegetation. Journal of Systematics and Evolution, 2020, 58 (1), 59-68.

17.   Liu Chang-Qiu, Niu Yang, Peng De-Li, Sun Hang*. Are superior ovaries damaged by the bills of flower-visiting birds and does this preclude adaptation to bird pollinators? Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society, 2018, 187 (3), 499-511.

18.   Song Bo, Stöcklin Jürg, Armbruster W. Scott, Gao Yong-Qian, Peng De-Li, Hang Sun*. Reversible colour change in leaves enhances pollinator attraction and reproductive success in Saururus chinensis (Saururaceae). Annals of Botany, 2018, 121, 641-650.

19.   Yang Li-E, Meng Ying, Peng De-Li, Nie Ze-Long*, Sun Hang*. Molecular phylogeny of Galium L. of the tribe Rubieae (Rubiaceae) –Emphasis on Chinese species and recognition of a new genus PseudogaliumMolecular Phylogenetics and Evolution, 2018, 126: 221–232.

20.   Song, Bo, Stöcklin JürgGao Yong-Qian, Peng De-Li, Sun Hang*. Host specificity of two pollinating seed-consuming fly species is not related to soil moisture of host plant in the high Himalayas. Ecology and Evolution, 2017, 7: 780-789.

21.   Song Bo, Stöcklin JürgGao Yong-Qian, Peng De-Li, Song Min-Shu, Sun Hang*. Oviposition by mutualistic seed-consuming pollinators reduces fruit abortion in a recently discovered pollination mutualism. Scientific Reports, 2016, 6: 29886

22.   Sun Wen-Guang, Zhang Yong-Zeng, Peng De-Li, Zhang Yong-Hong, Zhang Jian-Wen *, Li Zhi-Min*. Karyotype of Nine Endemic Species from Alpine Subnival Belt in the Hengduan Mountains, SW China. Journal Japanese Botany, 2016, 91: 264–271.

23.   Song Bo, Stöcklin Jürg, Peng De-LiGao Yong-Qian, Sun Hang*. The bracts of the alpine 'glasshouse' plant Rheum alexandrae (Polygonaceae) enhance reproductive fitness of its pollinating seed-consuming mutualist. Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society, 2015, 179, 349-359.

24.   Song Bo, Niu Yang, Stöcklin Jürg, Chen Gao, Peng De-Li, Gao Yong-Qian, Sun Hang*. Pollinator attraction in Cornus capitata (Cornaceae): the relative role of visual and olfactory cues. Journal of Plant Ecology, 2015 8: 173-181.

25.   Chen Jian-GuoYang Yang, Jürg Stöcklin, Cavieres Lohengrin A., Peng De-LiLi Zhi-Min, Sun Hang*. Soil nutrient availability determines the facilitative effects of cushion plants on other plant species at high elevations in the south-eastern Himalayas. Plant Ecology & Diversity, 2015, 8(2):199-210.

26.   龚强帮, 李志敏*, 彭德力, 牛洋, 孙航, 张志强*. 利用腊叶标本初探豹子花属植物的性表达及其与个体大小的关系. 植物分类与资源学报, 2015, 37(1):11-20.

27.   Niu Yang, Chen Gao, Peng De-Li, Song Bo,Yang Yang, Li Zhi-Min, Hang Sun*. Grey leaves in an alpine plant: a cryptic colouration to avoid attack?. New Phytologist, 2014, 203(3): 953-963.

28.   Song Bo, Chen Gao, Stöcklin Jürg, Peng De-Li, Niu Yang, Li Zhi-Min, Sun Hang*. A new pollinating seed-consuming mutualism between Rheum nobile and a fly fungus gnat, Bradysia sp., involving pollinator attraction by a specific floral compound. New Phytologist, 2014, 203(4): 1109-1118.

29.   Sun Hang*, Niu Yang, Chen Yong-Sheng, Song Bo, Liu Chang-Qiu, Peng De-Li, Chen Jian-Guo, Yang Yang*. Survival and reproduction of plant species in the Qinghai–Tibet Plateau. Journal of Systematics and Evolution, 2014, 52(3):378-396.


1.      彭德力, 杨丽娥. 绒毛植物绵参的生存之道. 生命世界. 2021.5.1.

2.      彭德力, 杨丽娥, 李志敏. 雪莲花的世界--你真的懂吗? 生命世界. 2020.6.1.

3.      彭德力, 饶培瑜, 胡晶晶. 一朵雪莲花的独白. 生命世界. 2020.6.4-15.

4.      彭德力, 李志敏. 花儿为什么这样艳? 生态智慧. 2015. 3, 92-93.(编委)

5.      彭德力, 孙航. 高山植物的生存智慧. 大自然探索. 2013. 12:24-31.

6.      彭德力, 杨扬. 雪山奇葩---雪兔子. 大自然. 2012. 5:46-47.

7.      彭德力逆境下的生命. 生命世界. 2022.(出版中)

8.      彭德力, 杨丽娥. 美妙绝伦的龙胆花. 生命世界. 2022.(出版中)

9.      耿博阳彭德力.隐匿在路边的“绣球”. 生命世界. 2022.(出版中)

10.   覃滢卜彭德力. 那山、那草、那些花儿(记第一次滇藏线科考之旅). 生命世界. 2022.(出版中)



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